Discover The ‘Attract Mature Girl’ Method

Discover The ‘Attract Mature Girl’ Method

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Discover The ‘Attract Mature Girl’ Method

Discover The ‘Attract Mature Girl’ Method

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Titles don’t get much more to the point than that. I remember this Asian friend of mine, called Wey. He was Chinese and I met him when I first started teaching men how to approach and attract women. When we went out for the first time he kept saying, “Please teach me how to attract mature girl!”

His English was not the best, but he had a great attitude and was a quick learner, and he was a hit with the ladies because he was unique amongst the other boring English dudes.

It got me thinking at the time that he had the right fundamental idea, even if he did not know it. He wanted to attract women, simple as that. If they taught this shit in schools then maybe people like me would have paid more attention :)

My first post on how to attract mature girls deals with the mental principles in interaction with women. I recommend you check it out, as its crucial to get this side of things handled.

This post is going to deal more with the physical characteristics you should display when out doing your thing. Characteristics women will find irresistible. Two words: Body Language.

Women are programmed by Biology to react favorably to certain physical actions men perform. These are things that attractive men do without thinking, and the attraction response in women equally bypasses the logical portion of the brain.

They literally can’t help being attracted to a man displaying these behaviors and traits.

You can break attractive body language down into three components: 1. Body Actions and Poses – think Action Man here ;), 2. Speech, and 3. Touch. It works as follows: approach mature girl with good body language, attract mature girl with voice tones & body actions and make mature girl feel comfortable with you with correct use of touch. Let’s go…

1. Action Man – The Greatest Hero of Them All: Actions and Poses

The first thing to get correct is your body; how it moves, and your posture in general. This is something that, given a bit of conscious focus, is completely controllable and makes a huge difference to your success. Lets look at some of the points you need to consider with your body language:

• Facial expressions – smile genuinely (actually being happy helps here :) ); use your eyebrows to convey emotions.

• Stand tall with your chest pushed out slightly. Don’t overdo it, the ‘Corn-Flakes Rooster’ pose is too much ;).

• Keep your head up at the horizon like a proud animal, not down at the ground. Head down means you are being submissive, have been defeated, have lower value.

• Shoulders should be relaxed and comfortable. Not hunched up making you look like Frankenstein’s monster.

• Keep hands relaxed and out of pockets, preferably down by your sides so as not to create any barriers in front of yourself. Don’t cross arms.

• When standing still have feet wide enough apart to look confident, but not so wide you look like you are trying too hard (look at other blokes to determine this).

• Lean back slightly when interacting with anyone. Don’t lean in, as this conveys neediness.

• Practice at home, however dumb it may feel, will really help. I actually taught myself to raise one eyebrow by staring in the mirror. You don’t have to go that crazy, any practice you can get in will help.

So remember to pay attention to your body when you are approaching women and when interacting with women. It can change under pressure of the interaction, as your emotional chemicals run wild. But with a bit of practice you will become a master of your own bodily ‘machine’.

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2. Resonate Like Vader: Voice Qualities

The Dark Side of The Force may be pure evil, but they must have one hell of a vocal coach. Vader’s voice is deep, resonant, slow & purposeful. Everything about the way the dude speaks (combined with the big black helmet and boots) says he is the *man in charge*.

And while you don’t want to be throttling troublesome Admirals with your Telekinetic Powers, you can learn a lot about voice qualities from the most well spoken of Sith Lords.

The focus here is how you speak, rather than ‘what you say’. You don’t have to ‘talk mature girl’ all the time. The qualities of your voice, like the pitch, resonance and pace with which you talk have a much greater impact on women than the content of what you say (the words). Like body language, it can be mastered, and you will master it.

Focus on the following:

• Quality – speak clearly and confidently.

• Speed – use appropriately (quick in high-energy situations like clubs; slow in more intimate or tranquil situations).

• Volume – speak loud enough to be heard easily, but not too loud or you will come across oafish and socially unrefined.

• Resonance – speak from the diaphragm, not the nose. You want your voice to be rich and full of tones (think James Earl Jones), not nasally (think professor Frink from the Simpsons).

• Know when not to speak. Speaking too much can look like you are trying too hard. Let the mature girl talk too.

Some quick tips to improve your voice:

• Do breathing exercises. Breathe in slowly through your nose, into your diaphragm. Hold for 10 seconds (don’t pass out!) and then breathe out slowly from your diaphragm. Repeat at least 10 times. This is an exercise singers do, and it strengthens the muscle responsible for resonant speaking.

• Do tongue twisters. A quick Google search will find millions of these online. “Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry”, etc. Start really slow at first and aim for total accuracy. Build up speed over time. You’ll be surprised what a few 5 minute sessions of doing this can do for your voice clarity and confidence. Stops stuttering and messing up words.

• Get singing lessons. This is for the dead-keen. If you want to be a master of your voice, you will need instruction from a pro. Plus you’ll be able to do Bat Out of Hell karaoke (my personal favorite) better than big Meat Loaf himself – “LIIIIIIKE A SINNNNNAH, BEEEFOOOWW THE GAAATES OF HEEAAVEN!!…” :)

For a great (and profanity laden) example of the combined power of body language and voice qualities, check out this video from YouTube, ‘The Big Lebowski Short Version”. Pay attention (if you can whilst dying of laughter) to how much of the story is conveyed just in the tones of voice and the actions of the characters, all while only saying one curse-word.

If you’ve seen the film (one of my ALL TIME FAVES btw) then you’ll be able to follow pretty much the whole story from just these two short minutes:

That’s the power of body language and voice. It’s not what you say, its how you say it.

3. Tickle Me Emo

Touching is the last part of our body language puzzle. Although daunting to those not used to it, anyone can touch complete strangers and get awesome reactions. If done correctly, this will work wonders for your interactions with women.

The key is to be confident yet non-sexual and non-threatening. Follow the natural progression of touch in your interactions: arms/hands -> tummy/small of back/legs -> hair/face/neck

Touch releases the chemical oxytocin in the mature girl’s brain. This is the ‘love chemical’ that is released when falling in love (or high on Eeees, but don’t do that – drugs are bad). Needless to say, pretty powerful stuff.

Touching also builds comfort. If a mature girl is comfortable being with you, and being touched by you, the next logical step is for her to be comfortable being intimate with you in private. You can’t skip the first part.

Touching adds another dimension to your interactions. You can get far without it, but this is the difference between mature girls finding you attractive, and mature girls actually getting involved intimately with you. Proper touching demonstrates your confidence and leadership, the essential traits covered in my post on how to attract mature girls.

I will probably do a more in-depth post about touching and escalation in the future.

Hope you got some value from this. If you did, you might want to consider joining my list, or bookmarking this article on delicious, etc. to make sure you find me again.

Now get off the computer and go meet some women! As Wey often remarked, “Attract mature girl, kiss mature girl, bed mature girl!” Great philosophy. Even if you’re at work, get up from your desk right now and do it! Or I’ll reach through the screen and show you my pimp hand!! :)

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